Language & Section

Language Policy

Culture, Education, and Future (CEF) accept manuscripts only in English. Authors could use either British (-ise) or American spelling for their manuscript; however, one style should be used consistently throughout the manuscript.

The manuscripts submitted to the journal should have a plain and clear language quality and should be consistent with the scientific literature and English language rules. Manuscripts should be written fluently and free of foreign words.

Section Policy

Culture, Education, and Future (CEF) accept research, review, and critical perspective articles.

Research Articles

Research articles should be highly scientific papers using qualitative, quantitative, mixed, and single-subject methodology and focusing on topics related to CEF journal aims and scope. CEF seeks submissions connecting applicable suggestions with quality practices. Theory, policy, and practice are expected to be tightly connected in the submitted papers.

Review Articles

Review articles should link theory and practice, and produce informative resources for educators, practitioners, and policymakers critically. CEF seeks submissions that are in line with its aims and scope and critically combines applicable proposals with quality practices. Theory, policy, and practice are expected to be tightly connected in the submitted papers.

Critical Perspective Articles

Critical discussion/perspective articles should focus on key concepts or common ideas in the CEF journal's aims and scope, discussing current advances or future directions from personal views and opinions. These articles should have an innovativeprovocative, and original perspective between theory and practice in CEF journal aims and scope.

Book Review

Book reviews in the CEF Journal should offer a critical and insightful analysis of recent publications relevant to the journal's aims and scope. Reviews should focus on how the book contributes to key concepts, current advances, or future directions in theory and practice. Authors are encouraged to present an innovative and original perspective, highlighting the book’s relevance, strengths, and limitations. The review should engage with the book’s content critically and offer a balanced evaluation of its impact on the field.

*Prepared by the publisher, reviewed, and approved by CEF Editors and commissioned Editorial Board Members. Updated on 28 March 2024.